
Il Futuro Ascoltalo QUI. La radio ufficiale della Sapienza

Anthony C. Masi. Oggi a RadioSapienza

Anthony C. Masi

Anthony C. Masi

Anthony C. Masi,  Mc Gill University di Montreal

Oggi con noi a RadioSapienza il sociologo Anthony C. Masi, docente presso l’Università Mc Gill di Montreal, esperto di sociologia del lavoro, relazioni industriali, cultura italiana e fenomeni migratori.

Ascolta qui l’intervista al professor Anthony C. Masi registrata presso i nostri studi


(* foto di Maria Vittoria Marzullo)


(PhD, Brown University, 1982). Professor; at McGill since 1979. Prof. Masi was appointed to the position of Provost on 13 December 2005. Prior to his appointment, he served as Interim Provost and as Deputy Provost and Chief Information Officer since 2003 and previously as Vice-Principal (Information Systems and Technology) from 2001 to 2003. Prof. Masi is a member of the National Statistics Council, an advisory board to Canada’s Chief Statistician. He has been a visiting professor in Italy at Bari (1987; 1994) and Pisa (1990), was the first non-Italian citizen to be the Jemolo Fellow in Italian Studies at Nuffield College, Oxford (1993), and between 1996 and 2003 was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Italian National Institute of Statistics. His publications (some joint) have appeared in: Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire/International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education; Innovations in Education and Teaching International; Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken (Journal for Labour Issues); Acta Sociologica; Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations; Work and Occupations; Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations; Canadian Journal of Sociology; Work, Employment and Society; Incontri Meridionali; as well as chapters in edited collections. He has written several entries on industry for the Routledge Encyclopedia of Contemporary Italian Culture. Prof. Masi has collaborated with Professors Axel van den Berg, Michael Smith of the Department of Sociology, Daniel Parent of the Department of Economics, and Joseph Smucker (Sociology, Concordia University), and with several colleagues in Italy.
